A tip from Alain Chung to avoid costly mistakes

Very few investors are able to predict which are the best technology companies on the stock market. Alain Chung, Chief Investment Officer at Claret, has a tip for independent investors who want to venture into that sector: diversify your bets. Read this French article on Les Affaires

About Alternative Investments and Private Equity

We have received several questions from our clients regarding the attractiveness of many alternative investments and private equity funds. Usually the sales pitch for those types of products revolves around the apparently lower volatility that they offer with similar return prospects or the higher and steady income stream they can offer compared to the measly […]

Taxes: Will Donald Trump have a positive impact on Apple’s earnings?

Donald Trump’s promises on tax reduction would have many positive spin offs, says Vincent Fournier, portfolio manager at Claret. Among the measures under consideration, Donald Trump could reduce the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%, which would have an immediate positive effect on after-tax profits. Mr. Trump would also like to force American companies […]

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