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Why Playing the Market Often Means Losing: The Case for Long-Term Investing

The allure of active trading – often glamorized through stories of substantial short-term wins – hides a less-frequently-told tale of increased risk and diminished returns. In a world where quick gains and market timing strategies flood our newsfeeds, compelling research out of esteemed business schools and decades of analyses of stock market data present a counter-narrative that investors would be foolish to ignore. 

Active traders not only secure lower returns compared to a buy-and-hold strategy but also expose themselves to heightened portfolio volatility, according to a recent study from UBC Sauder School of Business. The research, which sheds light on the pitfalls of active trading,  underscores that trying to time the market’s highs and lows often leads investors astray, their strategies marred by behavioural biases like loss aversion and the herding instinct.

Another paper, titled “The Volatility of Stock Investor Returns,” offers a broader historical perspective, analyzing nearly a century of market data, and reveals a striking insight: investors’ returns are more volatile than their stocks, a discrepancy that widens with longer investment horizons. For instance, over 20 years, active investors witnessed nearly 50% higher volatility compared to the standard volatility of stock returns.

This heightened volatility isn’t merely a number; it embodies the turbulent journey and emotional toll on investors, often leading to decisions that erode their wealth. The irony is most active traders seek stability and low volatility.  Yet their actions, driven by emotional responses to market swings, ironically lead to the opposite outcome.

The paper highlights problems and points towards a solution – a reiteration of the time-tested wisdom of patience in investing. It argues for a buy-and-hold strategy, emphasizing that investors who ride out market fluctuations rather than attempting to time them are likely to experience less volatility and, importantly, better returns in the long run.

With trading platforms like Robinhood and Wealthsimple making investing seem as easy as a few clicks, the temptation to engage in frequent trading is stronger than ever. However, these platforms, while democratizing access to financial markets, often encourage a short-term trading mindset, not always in the best interest of the average investor.

The key takeaway from these comprehensive studies and market analyses is clear: While the rollercoaster of active trading might seem thrilling, it’s the steady, committed journey of long-term investing that often leads to real, sustainable wealth creation. As investors, the choice is ours: chase the elusive, often illusory, market timing ‘wins’ or embrace a disciplined, long-term investment approach that history and research have repeatedly shown to be more effective.

The next time you’re tempted to jump in and out of the market, remember: patience isn’t just a virtue – it’s a strategy, one that time and data have proven to be golden.


  • W. Christopher Kovalchuk, MBA
    Chris began his professional career in 2016, as a financial analyst, in the Financial Technology Credit/Lending sector. He earned his MBA, part-time, from Concordia University in 2019. Chris has been a member of Claret since 2018 working in trading & research and recently moved into the role of Associate Portfolio Manager.

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