A tip from Alain Chung to avoid costly mistakes

Very few investors are able to predict which are the best technology companies on the stock market. Alain Chung, Chief Investment Officer at Claret, has a tip for independent investors who want to venture into that sector: diversify your bets. Read this French article on Les Affaires

Cannabis and Interest Rates

It is our custom to use this quarterly letter to address some questions we have heard from you regarding different topics that are currently in the news. We would also like to update you regarding our views on the financial markets in general. Out goes Bitcoin, in comes Cannabis There were many questions regarding the […]

Diversification, an investor’s best friend

The sound diversification of a portfolio of securities and bonds avoids errors that could prove very costly, says Vincent Fournier, portfolio manager at Claret. Watch this French interview on Les Affaires

What a year! Sometimes luck helps…

What a year! Sometimes luck helps… WHAT A YEAR! Dividends included, the US market went up 32%, the euro index went up 22.5% and the Tokyo market went up 54% (although 26% in USD). The emerging markets in general have not done as well though (some markets are actually down for the year). Many economists […]

Four experts; 12 companies

Large U.S. multinationals, Quebec inc. corporations, and some unknown companies. Our four experts gave us a diversified list of ideas just in time to get back in the market. Here are their 12 suggestions. Read this French article on Les Affaires

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