Is it the end of the bear market?

illustration of the concept on financial crisis with a men in panic

Rising interest rates, inflation, bear market, recession: what’s in store for small investors in 2019? Jean-Paul Giacometti, Vice President and Portfolio Manager at Claret, shares his views. Watch this French interview on RDI Économie Also, our 2012 letter, Investing Beyond the Crises, is a great read to put things in perspective as the financial news also […]

The benefit of saving early

US markets seem to continue to climb a wall of worry driven by events around a President who is more interested in being in the news with his less than diplomatic tweeting than anything else. Sometimes, we wonder whether he is not the king of “fake news” himself… Thank God the US Constitution is written […]

Managers in action: avoid obligations

Despite the low yields of North American stock indices in the first quarter, the portfolio manager Vincent Fournier from Claret argues that investors should absolutely avoid taking refuge in the bond market. The reason is simple: low interest rates in both Canada and the United States, ensure that bond yields are lower than inflation expectations, […]

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