Ethical investments, really?

Frequently, investors meet their financial planner with the desire to invest in ethical funds. However, taking a closer look to a benchmark index in the sector, we find a few unpleasant surprises, says Vincent Fournier, portfolio manager at Claret.  Watch this French interview on Les Affaires

The Psychology of Money Management

Within the process of building and maintaining your long term financial well-being, achieving a reasonable rate of return on your investments is the obvious main contributor. Yet, the lack of understanding regarding the psychology side of money management has been one of the biggest roadblocks for investors in achieving their goals. In this letter, we […]

Some stocks for retired investors

Stocks with an attractive dividend, that are relatively sheltered from a future interest rate rise and for which the time horizon varies from 10 to 15 years. It is according to those criteria that we have invited four portfolio managers to propose some investments that retired investors would benefit from. Here is Keith Farrant’s selection, a […]

To avoid getting seasick, keep your eyes looking on the horizon

To avoid getting seasick, keep your eyes looking on the horizon 2015 has not been a good year for stock pickers in general, and especially for the ones who favour the value investing philosophy. As an example, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway was down 12.5% (in USD terms). In fact, it is the tale of 2 […]

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